How I spend my time at home

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Hello everyone,

How I spend my time at home

As most of the world sits at home right now, I wanted to share some of my adventures in my 44m2 flat in Ely (shared with my boyfriend). It is a one-bedroom flat, with a bathroom and an open plan kitchen and living room. The floor plan shows a long rectangular divided into rooms. You need 15 seconds to go from one end of the house to the other. Just to clarify, I don’t complain about its size, in fact, I find that it is exactly right for our needs. Instead, the reason that I am giving you these details is to give you an idea of the space.

As you can imagine the place where we spend most of our time is the kitchen-living room area. Since Christos is working from home these days he reclaimed his desk (that I was using up to now), and my laptop and I moved to the dining table (which is more of a breakfast bar than a table). Since we moved into the flat the living room is being used as a living room, an office, a dance floor, an observatory (due to its large windows), a storage room (move the sofa and you will discover boxes hidden underneath and behind it) and recently it has been converted to a football field (but not to a gym yet as I’m too lazy to take out my exercise mat)!

The living room with a sofa, a desk, and two bookcases, where I spend most of my time at home
A sneak peek of our living room, where we spend most of our time at home 🙂

Anyway, the reason that I am writing this is to give you an idea of my typical day at home (because to be honest this is where I normally spend most of my time) and maybe give you some ideas of how to spend your time as well. First things first, I am not going to include cooking, because I am not good at it; exercise, because as I told you above I’m too lazy; gardening (we don’t even have a balcony only a communal backyard with fake grass that we never use); house renovation (we are renting this place furnished and we cannot put anything up the walls or replace furniture).

Daily Routine

Normally, I try to wake up at a decent time (but usually I fail) and then I do my morning routine which consists of having breakfast (tea with cereals without milk or tea with a slice of multi-seeded whole grain bread with honey), washing the dishes (if it’s my turn) and then, browsing Instagram. After all that, I will try to concentrate and tackle one or more of the following:

  • Apply for a graduate job
  • Work on a photography course that I am enrolled
  • Plan a trip (but I put this activity to the side at the moment for obvious reasons)
  • Write a paper with my last year’s supervisor (it may sound exciting, but I don’t have high hopes that it will make it to a publication anytime soon)
  • Short-list and/or edit photos for my blog and social media (it’s a long task and most of my photos never see the light to the outside world)
  • Back up my photos to the cloud (another long task because uploading takes time, especially considering the size and amount of photographs that I have)
  • Do some work for my blog, either writing articles or posting things on social media
  • Create a photo album (I need to speed this up – I am still at the selection stage since last summer)
  • Print photos (and finally take out of its box the photo frame that I bought from Disneyland two years ago)
  • Write reviews on TripAdvisor (I already have tens of honest reviews with photos there, go check them out)
  • Tidy up the space around me (helps me to stay focused)
  • Read a book

Also, some of my daily activities include watching videos in French and Spanish during my lunch break to keep up with what I once learned; spending hours talking on Facetime and Viber; watching an episode of some series every night during dinner with Christos. Oh and sometimes we play some board or card games. Christos’ favourite card game right now is the Monopoly Deal.


People say that now it’s time to do something creative/educational etc., but if there is nothing you want to do then this is perfectly fine. As you can see from above, I already have a ton of things to do to keep me busy. But, as I no longer have trips to plan for the foreseeable future (sadly only trips to cancel), I can use that time to speed up their completion. Besides, if I ever finish them this is what I would like to do:

  • Crete travel vlogs for Youtube (this is something that I want to do for so long)
  • Start properly learning French and Spanish again (I would also like to learn Chinese one day)
  • Go to the gym (or at least do some form of exercise)
  • Get a 360 camera and learn how to take 360 photos and videos
  • Restart doing daily brain workouts with Lumosity (I used to never skip a day during the summer holidays when I was going high school – same for Duolingo)
Future Living Room
Maybe one day my living room will look more like this… (Source: Pixabay)

That’s it from me and my daily routine. Thank you for reading all these. I hope it put a smile on your face (I can see it now). Also, I hope that you found some inspiration to start something new or motivation to continue what you were doing. Remember to take care, wash your hands and don’t touch your face while in public spaces! I’ll see you soon (hopefully in a travel-related blog)!

P.S. On the bright side, nobody is telling me now that I spend too much time at home and that I should go out for a walk!

P.S. II. I don’t have Netflix! 😉

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Elina Michaelidou

Elina is a computer science graduate and a traveller enthusiastic. Read everything about her travel experiences here.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mary

    Your post is very optimistic Elina and surely made me smile. Keep up with your interests and hope you can proceed with your new projects. Stay home and always be positive!!! ❤️❤️